Here’s my top 10 reasons why I love the keto diet:

You can google the benefits of keto and find lots of health benefits listed, like how it lowers triglycerides, lowers blood pressure, lowers insulin levels for diabetics, balances hormones for PCOS and menopause.. but I’m going to tell you my top 10 reasons why I love keto.

  1. You eat waaay less food. So what’s so great about that? Besides being cheaper, there’s less shopping and less cooking which means more TIME in your day
  2. Fasting is easy. Once you have been in ketosis for a while, you can go for hours without getting hungry which comes in handy when you’re on a plane, driving or in a rush to get out the door. Fasting is also the time when your body recycles your old cells and makes shiny new healthy ones
  3. Stable blood sugar. No 3pm crash, no getting “hangry”, no mood swings, no thinking about food constantly
  4. Keto burns visceral fat – that’s the dangerous fat around your organs giving you a big belly
  5. Keto is great for your brain. Yes you will lose the brain fog, but I’m talking about preventing Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. If you have one of these diseases in your family and it scares the crap out of you thinking about your old age, you should seriously consider keto
  6. You learn how to listen to your body. This one’s hard to explain..once you take away the brain fog and constant cravings, you will be more intuitive to what’s actually going on in your body, which foods don’t suit you and which foods your body needs more of. You’d be surprised how many people don’t suit dairy or bread and don’t even realise it
  7. Reduced inflammation due to the reduced amount of free radical production that occurs when burning ketones for energy instead of glucose. What does this really mean for you?  It means you don’t get sick as often, or have aches and pains like before, less acne.. basically your body heals faster
  8. Fat Burning. When you are in ketosis you can use your stored body fat for energy. Pretty cool right? That doesn’t happen on a high-carb diet. Also, the weight loss on keto is slow because you lose fat (not water and muscle), but it’s permanent
  9. Anti-Ageing. I love keto for the anti-ageing effects, there’s a complicated process involving your mitochondria, but the short version is – lowering your carb/sugar intake burns free fatty acids and slows the ageing process, good fats are really good for your skin, and remember I said that when you fast your body recycles your old cells? It’s actually called autophagy and yes, the skin on your face gets renewed too!
  10. Pork rinds. Butter. Salt. Bacon. Macadamias. Oh.. and cream in coffee! Need I say more?

If you’d like to find out more, you can pop into my clinic for a chat. 



Liza is a Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist and Ketogenic Weight Loss Coach located in Jervis Bay, NSW.